No Diaper/Change Pad? No Problem.

How many times has it happened that you set out on a trip with your baby and just when you’re about to change him/her you realize that you left the diaper pad at home. This can be especially frustrating when you’re somewhere where you simply can’t just change him on the floor, carpet, or couch of someone else’s house lest an accident happens. Or how about when you take the baby to a Koala change station and they just happen to be out of those disposable change sheets (like they ever restock the supply) and you have no choice but to place your babies bare bottom on a public change table.

Every parent has been in this situation a time or two. So what’s the magic secret to dealing with this problem? Simple. Prepare the clean diaper and place it in position under the baby before removing the soiled one. This way the baby’s bottom never touches the public table, carpet, leather couch, wife’s side of the bed, or wherever you’re changing her/him.

This technique is especially critical for pishing babies. You know, the ones who pee all over you just when you removed the soiled diaper and have yet to place the clean one. Any parent who says that never happened is lying. If you apply the above technique you could quickly cover the fountain of pee with the clean diaper and keep yourself dry and happy.

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