How To Know If Your Child Has A Wrist Fracture
**Its important to know that if you suspect that your child has seriously injured himself then you should have it checked out immediately. Don’t dismiss a possible fracture because it didn’t pass the fracture test below. If your child is in pain then consider having her checked out right away.**
How to check for a fracture
Check the arm for D.O.T.S
O-pen wounds
The easiest way to tell if there is a fracture is to compare the two arms together. If one looks slightly deformed at the wrist (or elbow for an elbow fracture) then you would know if there is a possible fracture.

The second best way to check for a fracture, if there is no deformity, is to feel gently along the side of bone of the wrist. Feel on the top and the sides of the wrist/arm. If there is any pain at a specific point along the bone then it’s quite possible that there is a fracture. If not, it’s possible that it’s just a sprain. Since a sprain is an injury to the ligaments of a joint, a person with a sprain wouldn’t feel pain if you felt gently along the bone. Regardless, you would need to have it looked at by a doctor.
You should be able to quickly see if there is any swelling or bruising. Also, its very possible for bruising and swelling to be present even if there is no fracture.
My wife fell on her wrist while ice-skating in the winter and it looked terrible. It was bruised all over. However, there was no fracture but she still felt lots of pain. It even hurt her when the medics felt gently along the bone. In the end, she had to wear a wrist brace for at least six weeks and have repeated x-rays of her wrist. So not all injuries that pass the fracture test are indeed fractures.
As for open wounds, while they can exist at the site of the fracture this is uncommon. So really, you are looking for any deformity, bruising, or swelling and feeling for tenderness.
Regardless of the injury, you will want to apply ice. If it’s a possible fracture then first splint the injury and then apply ice.
Important Note
Do not apply the ice directly on the skin. Wrap the ice or cold compress before applying it to the site of injury. A plastic bag of ice needs to be wrapped as well. If the splinted injury is completely wrapped in a bandage then you could apply the ice directly to the bandage.
Do not apply for long periods. Apply cold for approximately 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.
Do not apply heat. This will increase swelling.
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could i still be able 2 move slightly it if it was broken\fractured
I was using this site to help with my PD assessment (your site will be on my bibliography)
your site says “Do not apply for long periods. Apply cold for approximately 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.”
but in class we learnt that it was 20 minutes on then 1 hour off.
which one is correct?
i broke my arm and i could move it fine ! so don’t always believe that the doctors were amazed i could still move my arm and it was broken in 9 different places !
I fell off my scooter and it is swollen adn hhurts but I am typing with it right now? Is it fractured or broken or WHAT??
I don’t know
I can move my wrist fine but sometimes during the day I get sharp pain right near my bone on the side does anyone know what I should do?u
Go to a doctor
i was at the park at i went on the monkey bars and i felt my right hand snap and my hand was shaking really badly so i put ice on it but its not working it hurts when i flex my hand out even if i move it . i dont know if i should see a doctor soon or what pleese help !! it happend yesterday
i was punching our punching bag at home and was rlly pissed off. i guess i punched the bag a little bit too hard cuz i think i might’ve fractured a single bone in my wrist. but it only hurts when pressure is applyed and when i hit something to hard the same way as i did b4. it also hurts when i move my wrist to the sides. so idk if it is fractured or just as sprain?? help my mum is takin me to docs sometime to check it out.
Hey, If u see this…I hope u can. pls reply…anyways. can you tell me what happened after your check up on the doctor…cuz I have the same story to why I got to this point…
So after my reply (aug.26.2018 – 11:38pm)
I went to the doctors the next day which is today… he said that there was no problem… but I bought an elastic bandage anyways cuz the area around my wrist and elbow still hurts when i move it… it doesn’t hurt a lot but it bothers me… after I put on my bandage I could feel where it hurts a little bit more… thats all, I’ll keep an update if anything happens…
k yesterday i was in p e playing indoor soccer with four goals and four teams. and someone kicked the ball about three to four feet away from me and it pushed my closed fist into my wrist now it hurts its swollen and i cant move it side to side without it hurting. whats wrong?
I have resisted the urge to buy the EVO LTE becasue I don’t trust that Sprint will deliver on their network coverage. Now they are saying, “once we do deliver, we are going to raise your rate.” Well, “f you Sprint.” I have been a customer for over 11 years but I have seen the 3G speed just tank in the last year or so; I’m sure it’s the damn iPhone sucking it all to hell. Who needs this? My girl friend is on Verizon and I might just join her.
I fell during lacrosse and now it hurts really bad
My arm has been hurting in the palm part and I don’t know if I should see a doctor about it. Can any1 plz help?? Is it fractured?? What’s wrong with it??
Well done arctile that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.
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OFF TOPIC but I need advice…Grim or anyboby who knows…I dont believe the general rule of thumb on about how much house one can afford. With a 2 person annual income of approx.$145,000 per year / 2 kids / no other debt / $100,000 available for a down payment + more $$$ for repairs, furniture…etc. What would be a reasonable priced house? I am preapproved for at least $500,000 but I think thats way to high…am I being to conservative. It very fustrating when I see people with less income and nowhere near the down payment in a nice house and I am still stuck in my 2 bedroom apartment. Any thoughts?
It has been hurting since last tuesday
If your not sure what’s wrong, then GO TO A DOCTOR!!!!! I’m sick of reading about people asking other people online if whatever injury they obtained is broken or fractured or sprained. Most are NOT doctors and can’t diagnose something they can’t see anyway! If your seriously worried, then go to an emergency room and splint the injury before leaving. Oh, and if you can still type with little or no pain, your most likely fine.
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My wrist hurts really bad for 1-2 weeks a month then stop until the next…..whats up with it?
hi i am lizzy i think i fracured my wrist i am not sure i am going to the doctars on mon and i have a huge bruise and it swallen in the fingers the wrist and it is tender i whent to rub my wrist and it hurt i told my gram parents about it and i fell on rollar blades and made it worse it is either fracured or a really bad sprain i cant even use it without pain i tried every thing i can and it is getting worse by the minit
uggggh i slipped and fell and now i cant decide if it is a fracture or a break or a sprain
Ok I fell down my stairs today and I smashed my arm (2 inches under the wrist on the ulna side). There’s a huge bump where I got it smashed at and my wrist and that bump is bruised. I can move my wrist but it hurts. When it happened I was home alone and was going to call 911 but I didn’t. It also hurts to move my thumb too much and my fingers. My mom said it was just a bruised muscle but I was crying when she touched it. It’s also really tender. I’m going to the doctor in 3 days for an appointment.
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i slipped and hit my distal radius pretty hard on the edge of my book shelf. it did not swell up right away. however, evrytime i got active it got much more swollen. it is bruised black and blue all over and i can not bend it back, to the side, or forward very well without an extreme pain. i can move all my fingers but it hurts to move my thumb alot! my thumb is numb and tingling
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i was bmxing at my local park and slamed on my wrist, it hurts when its not moving, but feels fine when it is hahaha i think its just a sprain but idk
hello sir,
i feel the pain in my wrist ares when i put a pessure on mu snads.i consulted the doctor but he told me that there is no fracture and i evn had a there any possibility of fracture?
Soccer is my favorite,so is David Beckham.
hi i plan on goin to the er tomorrow morning but my six yr old tripped n fell on her blanket in the process she slammed her hand into her dresser now when it happened she said her hand went numb and now its painful to touch she cant move it or her fingers without pain n its swollen whats ur opinion?
I always crack my wrist and then I have to do push ups and farmer jacks in gym and my wrist started to hurt really bad ! So then it just poped and now i can’t movee it at all and I can’t hold things or flex it . I also can barley move my fingers !!!!! WHATS WRONG WITH IT !!!
i hurt my arm and wrist when i trapped it in the door at home i have a huge bruise and a lump on my arm. i can’t do anything with it at all im in constant pain and my finger go stiff and tingley all the time. i have had pain killers but they dont work my mum doesnt want to take me to the hospital what do i do
I broke my wrist but don’t want to go to the doctor. I can tell its broken but all I want to do now is poop. I made a homemade splint out of toilet paper and paper towels. Should i just poop? Any sugestions?
Hi i was walking to class tripped and fell on some stairs
My wrist and for arm area is no swollen bruised slightly cut and un severe pain i can not make a fist. I am only 15. I dont want to tell my mom she will think im seeking attention. Help?
I slipped on ice and I fell on my wrist. So, I went to the hospital in Rochester NY and the doctors put a brace on my right wrist. The pain was in my thumb too.
Hey there! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a
quick shout out and tell you I truly enjoy reading your posts.
Can you suggest any other blogs/websites/forums that cover the same subjects?
I fell off my rollerblades and I fell on a really weird angle. I fell on my wrist then my butt but the bottom palm part of my hand pushed up when it hit. Like towards my shoulder. It only hurts when I move it side to side. Is this a fracture or a sprain? Please help :).
Stanley who was 13 tripped me over yesterday and I landed in a strange position on my wrist and every time I move it, it will pain me really bad. One more thing I am only a nine year old
we were playing handball and I did a shadow which is when u run run through the middle and that is when he tripped me over on purpose and I landed head first with my wrist in front. Can u please tell me what to do
Normally I’m against killing but this article slgeahterud my ignorance.
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My arm is swelling and it is not striant
Should I see a hoispal
retarded person that I am, I hit my wrist off a wall yesterday. I can move my hand, just a little sore but it hurts when there is pressure on a specific point on the side of my wrist. It’s swollen, but not bruised and has been the same for about 35 hours straight. I have a hockey match tomorrow with school and was wondering if I should go or should I be careful of my wrist?
Thanks xxx
My bone on my right wrist on the left side of my wrist is popping out
My bone on my right wrist on the left side of my wrist is popping out
My right hand is broosed very bad I did a hand stand I hurt but not bad but know it hurts very bad what is it help me
I fell down some stairs and hit my arm on a door there was a huge bump at the time but that has now gone down. But now there is a huge bruise and when I run my finger down my arm there is a bump but you can’t see it. What shall I do. And when I’m doing stuff I always bash it and it’s really painful. What shall I do? Shall I wrap it up in a band edge for now?
Please could someone help
My daughter says that her fore arm really hurts and that it hurts to hold stuff and move it would that count as a fracture or broken bone, because I don’t think she needs to go to the ER.
I do gymnastics and I did something to my wrists. Hurts moving side to side. For the people who are asking if its fractured or broken go to a doc they are right not people you don’t know.
I don’t know what I did to my wrist but it’s been hurting for 2 weeks it hurts to move it but it’s not bruise and it’s not swelling up
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