Air Canada (and other airlines as well) To Enforce Carry On Baggage Policy
As if air travel isn’t frustrating enough, Air Canada just announced that starting May 25, 2015 they will begin enforcing their carry-on baggage policy starting with Toronto-Pearson airport and expanding to other airports worldwide throughout June.
Not sure if it’s clear in the screen shot but what it says is that for our convenience they will be checking our carry-ons at both the check-in and security checkpoints to see if it complies with their regulations. Now don’t fret. According to Air Canada this is of course for our benefit:
Ensuring your travel is easy, comfortable and safe is our top priority. We also know how important it is for you to fly off to your destination without delay, with your most important travel items with you onboard. So we’re making some changes to help make sure that happens.
This quote is so reassuring. Its nice to know that the airlines are making my comfort their top priority. So this enforcement is really for our benefit. According to the quote, enforcing their carryon baggage policy is an effort to help us reach our “destinations without delay”. You know what I think, if Air Canada wants to help us reach our destinations without delay and make sure our travel is easy, then they should start with not checking our carry-on baggages. Its bad enough that they restricted our check-in amount to one bag but to start weighing our carry-ons in my mind is just pure chutzpa.
It seems that we are in a different phase of air travel. What once used to be the customer is always right mentality has changed to “Our plane our rules. You don’t like it then fly off!”
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